My Prophetic Tribe

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NextGen Prophets


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Follow The Apostles On The Move!

Since you already know us from the podcast, we want to take a moment to get to know you too! In our podcasts, we reach over 190+ countries from all around the world.

Learn from the best spiritual parents ever. Apostles Craig and Colette walk in their calling to serve you… “To equip you for your prophetic mandate.” They pray to connect with you and prepare you for success.

Our ministry goals drive us to know our audience. The international family of prophets join together to welcome you into a relationship with our fivefold ministry.

We’ll help you develop an intimate face-to-face relationship with Jesus. Will you help us build the kingdom? 

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Get access to our latest episodes:

🎧 15 min listen

Episode 389: Find the Perfect Alignment Between Apostle and Prophet

🎧 19 min listen

Episode 388: 5 Functions of Every Effective Prophet

🎧 20 min listen

Episode 387: Discern Between Emotionalism and a True Work of the Holy Spirit

🎧 15 min listen

Episode 386: Are You Oppressed by the Devil? 5 Signs to Know for Sure

🎧 20 min listen

Episode 385: The Secret Behind Why God Anoints the Prophet

🎧 19 min listen

Episode 384: Why Repentance Is the Secret to Holy Spirit and Fire!
Listen to More Here!

Testimonies from Those Blessed by

The NextGen Prophets Podcast

Jane Postma

"I have spent the last few years learning and reading and working through my process, and I have come across many teachers and mentors and people who said they were leaders in the church. I have found that TMI and the Toach's are the real deal."

Elle Lux

Apostle Craig & Colette's teaching has been real and raw, teaching that I have not encountered before at this caliber. I am so grateful! It has brought a depth of understanding and empowerment to the call to build the body of Christ."

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